RJS Lean Security.
The Smarter Way
There’s a way to make your security strategy work smarter, not harder. Perfect security is a pipedream. So use what you have and learn from what works. Follow these principles when building your lean security strategy.
The idea of perfect security is a trap.
Unlike you, attackers are not limited by resources, budgets, laws or ethics. They can launch any number of attacks anytime, from anywhere. This means you have to maintain a strategic balance between defense and response.
Always stay a move ahead of your opponent.
If you are constantly focused on reacting, you are not taking the time to learn and adjust your security strategy based on your experiences. Your attackers are constantly evolving, so you must too...just a little faster.
Make better use of what you already have.
Before you invest in yet another expensive security project, fine-tune the security products you have in place. Are your defense systems fully-patched? Have you turned on all the necessary features that came with your original product?
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8 AM CST @ Milwaukee, WI
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11 AM CST @ Mason Street Grill - Milwaukee, WI
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Hoaxicane Sandy
Hurricane Sandy is hitting the East Coast hard and with it comes a barrage of fraudulent cyber crime. Here's what to look for and how to protect yourself from Hoaxicane Sandy.
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